Thursday am
(Rev. Raymond Kemp) Genesis 3:11-13 Who told thee that thou wast naked? |
Thursday pm
(Rev. Raymond Kemp) Jonah 1:8-10 Jonah fleeing from the Lord’s Presence |
Friday am
(Rev. Raymond Kemp) Acts 16:13-16 The Lord opening Lydia’s Heart |
Friday pm
(Rev. David Blunt) Colossians 3:1 The Life of Grace |
Saturday am
(Rev. John Macleod) Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near |
Sabbath am
(Rev. John Macleod) Hebrews 2:17-18 Action Sermon |
Sabbath am
(Rev. John Macleod) Fencing of Table |
Sabbath am
(Rev. John Macleod) Psalm 45:13 Table Address (1) |
Sabbath am
(Rev. John Macleod) Psalm 45:15 Table Address (2) |
Sabbath pm
(Rev. John Macleod) John 6.39-40.mp3 I will raise him up |
Monday am
(Rev. John Macleod) Malachi 3:3 A refiner and purifier of silver |
SErvice TimesSabbath Services: 12.00noon & 6.00pm
Prayer Meeting: Thursday 3.00pm |